Atomic control over 2D materials via ion beam manipulation (ATOMION)



The focus of this project is to use an old method from the modern semiconductor industry—ion irradiation—to adjust the atomic structure of new materials in a controlled manner. We will specifically focus on two-dimensional materials, which have gained a large amount of interest due to their unique properties over the last decade. In Nature, such materials form stacked crystals, similar to sheets of paper in a paper stack, from which individual layers can be extracted. An example of such a material is graphite, which consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern. A single sheet of graphite, the one-atom-thick crystal of carbon atoms, is called graphene, and although it is far from being the only one, it is the best known two-dimensional material to date. With careful control over irradiation parameters, it is possible to selectively modify even atomically thin materials, for example by changing some of the carbon atoms in graphene with other elements. Due to different mass, number of electrons and different electrostatic potential, these foreign atoms will affect many material properties. Success in this project will provide us with a new method for tailoring novel materials so that they will fulfill the demands of specific applications in various fields.


Funder: Austrian Science Fund

Project identifier: P31605-N36

Principal investigator: J. Kotakoski

Project publications

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 20



Niggas, A., Schwestka, J., Balzer, K., Weichselbaum, D., Schlünzen, N., Heller, R., Creutzburg, S., Inani, H., Tripathi, M., Speckmann, C., McEvoy, N., Susi, T., Kotakoski, J., Gan, Z., George, A., Turchanin, A., Bonitz, M., Aumayr, F., & Wilhelm, R. A. (2022). Ion-Induced Surface Charge Dynamics in Freestanding Monolayers of Graphene and MoS2 Probed by the Emission of Electrons. Physical Review Letters, 129(8), Article 086802.

Zagler, G., Stecher, M., Trentino, A., Kraft, F., Su, C., Postl, A., Längle, M., Pesenhofer, C., Mangler, C., Ahlgren, E. H., Markevich, A., Zettl, A., Kotakoski, J., Susi, T., & Mustonen, K. (2022). Beam-driven dynamics of aluminium dopants in graphene. 2D Materials, 9(3), Article 035009.

Mustonen, K., Hofer, C., Kotrusz, P., Markevich, A., Hulman, M., Mangler, C., Susi, T., Pennycook, T. J., Hricovini, K., Richter, C., Meyer, J. C., Kotakoski, J., & Skakalova, V. (2022). Toward Exotic Layered Materials: 2D Cuprous Iodide. Advanced Materials, 34(9), Article 2106922.



Schwestka, J., Inani, H., Tripathi, M., Niggas, A., McEvoy, N., Libisch, F., Aumayr, F., Kotakoski, J., & Wilhelm, R. A. (2020). Atomic-Scale Carving of Nanopores into a van der Waals Heterostructure with Slow Highly Charged Ions. ACS Nano, 14(8), 10536-10543.

Creutzburg, S., Schwestka, J., Niggas, A., Inani, H., Tripathi, M., George, A., Heller, R., Kozubek, R., Madauss, L., McEvoy, N., Facsko, S., Kotakoski, J., Schleberger, M., Turchanin, A., Grande, P. L., Aumayr, F., & Wilhelm, R. A. (2020). Vanishing influence of the band gap on the charge exchange of slow highly charged ions in freestanding single-layer MoS2. Physical Review B, 102(4), Article 045408.


Hofer, C., Skákalová, V., Görlich, T., Tripathi, M., Mittelberger, A., Mangler, C., Monazam, M. R. A., Susi, T., Kotakoski, J., & Meyer, J. C. (2019). Direct imaging of light-element impurities in graphene reveals triple-coordinated oxygen. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article 4570.

Kozubek, R., Tripathi, M., Ghorbani-Asl, M., Kretschmer, S., Madauß, L., Pollmann, E., O'Brien, M., McEvoy, N., Ludacka, U., Susi, T., Duesberg, G. S., Wilhelm, R. A., Krasheninnikov, A. V., Kotakoski, J., & Schleberger, M. (2019). Perforating Freestanding Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayers with Highly Charged Ions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(5), 904-910.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 20