Press releases


The study of molecules via transmission electron microscopy is extremely challenging, because they tend to break apart under the intense electron...


The chemical properties of atoms depend on the number of protons in their nuclei, placing them into the periodic table. However, even chemically...


Imperfections in the regular atomic arrangements in crystals determine many of the properties of the material, and their diffusion is behind many...

Peer-reviewed publications

Showing entries 451 - 500 out of 585


Zehetbauer, M, Grössinger, R, Krenn, H, Krystian, M, Pippan, R, Rogl, PF, Waitz, T & Würschum, R 2010, 'Bulk nanostructured functional materials by severe plastic deformation', Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 692-700.

Oberdorfer, B, Steyskal, E-M, Sprengel, W, Puff, W, Pikart, P, Hugenschmidt, C, Zehetbauer, M, Pippan, R & Würschum, R 2010, 'In Situ Probing of Fast Defect Annealing in Cu and Ni with a High-Intensity Positron Beam', Physical Review Letters, vol. 105, no. 14, 146101.

Zhang, L, Rogl, G, Grytsiv, A, Puchegger, S, Koppensteiner, J, Spieckermann, F, Kabelka, H, Reinecker, M, Rogl, PF, Schranz, W, Zehetbauer, M & Carpenter, MA 2010, 'Mechanical properties of filled antimonide skutterudites', Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, vol. 170, no. 1-3, pp. 26-31.

Gavrilovic, A, Minic, DM, Rafailovic, L, Angerer, P, Wosik, J, Maricic, AM & Minic, DM 2010, 'Phase transformations of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 amorphous alloy upon thermal treatment', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 504, no. 2, pp. 462-467.

Wilde, G, Ribbe, J, Reglitz, G, Wegner, M, Rösner, H, Estrin, Y, Zehetbauer, M, Setman, D & Divinski, S 2010, 'Plasticity and grain boundary diffusion at small grain sizes', Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 12, no. 8/Sp. Iss., pp. 758-764.

Rafailovic, L, Minic, DM, Karnthaler, H-P, Wosik, J, Trisovic, T & Nauer, G 2010, 'Study of the dendritic growth of Ni-Co alloys electrodeposited on Cu substrates', Electrochemical Society. Journal, vol. 157, no. 5, pp. 295-301.

Rogl, G, Zhang, L, Rogl, PF, Grytsiv, A, Falmbigl, M, Rajs, D, Kriegisch, M, Mueller, H, Bauer, E, Koppensteiner, J, Schranz, W, Zehetbauer, M, Henkie, Z & Maple, MB 2010, 'Thermal Expansion of Skutterudites', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 107, no. 4, 043507.


Showing entries 451 - 500 out of 585