Successful PhD defence of Georg Zagler


Georg Zagler successfully defended his PhD thesis on December 16, 2022.

Georg Zagler successfully defended his PhD thesis on December 16, 2022, with supervisor Jani Kotakoski and thesis examiners Stephan Hofmann (Cambridge) and
Frances M. Ross (MIT). The title of his thesis was "Nucleation, Growth and Transformation of Metals on Two-Dimensional Materials at the Atomic Scale".

Atomic structure of hexagonal 2D CuAu, discovered in the scope of this thesis. a) Structural model of CuAu in (001), (100) and (110) crystallographic orientations. Lattice vectors determined from DFT calculations are |a1| = |a2| = 0.268 nm and z = 0.224 nm. b) STEM image simulation of the CuAu structural model compared to an experimental STEM HAADF image recorded at 60 kV (right)

shows excellent agreement.