The research group Physics of Nanostructured Materials (group speaker Jani Kotakoski) is part of the research focus Complex Nanoscale Matter of the Faculty of Physics. The group studies the fundamental physics of novel materials under dimensional constraints as well as novel low-dimensional materials. This includes investigations of their formation, structural evolution and of the physics of their unique properties. Multiscale phenomena of metals, alloys and polymers with micro/nanocrystalline structures, as well as carbon nanostructures including graphene membranes are in the focus of research. The research group comprehensively tackles structure-property relationships, physical mechanisms of complex defect configurations and their interactions. Systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium including micro/nanocrystalline, disordered and glassy structures are investigated. The three research focuses of the group are Complex Systems and Hybrid Materials, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials.

 News and Events


After five years at PNM, postdoctoral researcher Dr. Jacob Madsen is leaving the PNM group.


Novel opportunities in quantum technology and condensed matter physics opened by noble gas atoms confined between graphene layers.


Clara Kofler successfully defended her MSc thesis on October 25, 2023

Press releases


The study of molecules via transmission electron microscopy is extremely challenging, because they tend to break apart under the intense electron...


The chemical properties of atoms depend on the number of protons in their nuclei, placing them into the periodic table. However, even chemically...


Imperfections in the regular atomic arrangements in crystals determine many of the properties of the material, and their diffusion is behind many...