Peer-reviewed publications

Showing entries 1 - 50 out of 585


Fruehwald, HM, Liebsch, Y, Javed, U, Lebius, H, Grygiel, C, Rahali, R, Kotakoski, J, Schleberger, M & Smith, RDL 2025, 'Basal-Plane Pores Activate Monolayer MoS2 for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction', ACS Catalysis, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 3768-3776.

Kröckel, C, Ludacka, U, Singh, R, Kotakoski, J, Hauke, F, Hirsch, A, Reich, S & Chacón-Torres, JC 2025, 'Structural stability in potassium doped single-walled carbon nanotubes, and surface functionalization', Carbon, vol. 234, 119992.

Rafailović, LD, Noisternig, SM, Bischoff, J, Rentenberger, C, Bautista – Anguis, D, Sheng, H, Gammer, C, Chin, JM, Elbataioui, A, Zhang, H, Eckert, J & Trišović, TL 2025, 'Enhanced Control of Single Crystalline Ag Dendritic Growth on Al Foil via Galvanic Displacement and Simultaneous Oxidation of D-Glucose', Small Science.


Chesnyak, V, Perilli, D, Panighel, M, Namar, A, Markevich, A, Bui, TTA, Ugolotti, A, Farooq, A, Stredansky, M, Kofler, C, Cepek, C, Comelli, G, Kotakoski, J, Di Valentin, C & Africh, C 2024, 'Scalable bottom-up synthesis of Co-Ni–doped graphene', Science Advances, vol. 10, no. 45, eado8956.

Krawczynska, AT, Michalicha, A, Suchecki, P, Budniak, K, Roguska, A, Kerber, M, Setman, D, Spychalski, M, Adamczyk-Cieslak, B, Liedke, MO, Butterling, M, Hirschmann, E, Wagner, A, Lewandowska, M & Belcarz, A 2024, 'Enhancing anti-adhesion properties by designing microstructure - the microscopy and spectroscopy study of the intercellular bacterial response', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, 24549.

Mortensen, JJ, Larsen, AH, Kuisma, M, Ivanov, AV, Taghizadeh, A, Peterson, A, Haldar, A, Dohn, AO, Schäfer, C, Jónsson, EÖ, Hermes, ED, Nilsson, FA, Kastlunger, G, Levi, G, Jónsson, H, Häkkinen, H, Fojt, J, Kangsabanik, J, Sødequist, J, Lehtomäki, J, Heske, J, Enkovaara, J, Winther, KT, Dulak, M, Melander, MM, Ovesen, M, Louhivuori, M, Walter, M, Gjerding, M, Lopez-Acevedo, O, Erhart, P, Warmbier, R, Würdemann, R, Kaappa, S, Latini, S, Boland, TM, Bligaard, T, Skovhus, T, Susi, T, Maxson, T, Rossi, T, Chen, X, Schmerwitz, YLA, Schiøtz, J, Olsen, T, Jacobsen, KW & Thygesen, KS 2024, 'GPAW: An open Python package for electronic structure calculations', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 160, no. 9, 092503.

Lucherelli, MA, Stiegler, LMS, Steiger, F, Åhlgren, EH, Requena-Ramírez, J, Castro, E, Echegoyen, L, Hirsch, A, Peukert, W, Kotakoski, J, Walter, J, Pérez-Ojeda, ME & Abellán, G 2024, 'Carbon nano-onions: Individualization and enhanced water dispersibility', Carbon, vol. 218, 118760.


Niggas, A, Fischer, L, Kretschmer, S, Werl, M, Biber, H, Speckmann, C, McEvoy, N, Kotakoski, J, Aumayr, F, Krasheninnikov, AV & Wilhelm, RA 2023, 'Charge-exchange-dependent energy loss of H and He in freestanding monolayers of graphene and MoS2', Physical Review A, vol. 108, no. 6, 062823.

Zhussupbekov, K, Ansari, L, Elibol, K, Zhussupbekova, A, Kotakoski, J, Shvets, IV, Duesberg, GS, Hurley, PK, McEvoy, N, Ó Coileáin, C & Gity, F 2023, 'Revealing the influence of edge states on the electronic properties of PtSe2', Applied Materials Today, vol. 35, 101926.

Brembs, B, Huneman, P, Schönbrodt, F, Nilsonne, G, Susi, T, Siems, R, Perakakis, P, Trachana, V, Ma, L & Rodriguez-Cuadrado, S 2023, 'Replacing academic journals', Royal Society Open Science, vol. 10, no. 7, 230206.

Amati, M, Susi, T, Jovičević-Klug, P, Jovičević-Klug, M, Kosmala, T, Granozzi, G, Agnoli, S, Yang, P, Zhang, Y, Scardamaglia, M & Gregoratti, L 2023, 'Scanning photoelectron spectromicroscopy: From static to operando studies of functional materials', Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 265, 147336.

Soltan, S, Macke, S, Ilse, SE, Pennycook, T, Zhang, ZL, Christiani, G, Benckiser, E, Schütz, G & Goering, E 2023, 'Ferromagnetic order controlled by the magnetic interface of LaNiO3/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlattices', Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 3847.

Speckmann, C, Lang, J, Madsen, J, Ahmadpour Monazam, MR, Zagler, G, Leuthner, GT, McEvoy, N, Mangler, C, Susi, T & Kotakoski, J 2023, 'Combined electronic excitation and knock-on damage in monolayer MoS2', Physical Review B, vol. 107, no. 9, 094112.

Antoni, M, Spieckermann, F, Plutta, N, Gammer, C, Kapp, M, Ramasamy, P, Polak, C, Pippan, R, Zehetbauer, MJ & Eckert, J 2023, 'Can Severe Plastic Deformation Tune Nanocrystallization in Fe-Based Metallic Glasses?', Materials, vol. 16, no. 3, 1260.

Villarreal, R, Lin, P-C, Zarkua, Z, Bana, H, Tsai, H-C, Auge, M, Junge, F, Hofsäss, H, Tosi, E, De Feyter, S, De Gendt, S, Brems, S, Åhlgren, EH & Pereira, LMC 2023, 'Bond defects in graphene created by ultralow energy ion implantation', Carbon, vol. 203, pp. 590-600.


Ali, FSM, Arevalo, RL, Vandichel, M, Speck, F, Rautama, E-L, Jiang, H, Sorsa, O, Mustonen, K, Cherevko, S & Kallio, T 2022, 'Hydrogen evolution in alkaline medium on intratube and surface decorated PtRu catalyst', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 315, 121541.

Tabachnikova, ED, Hryhorova, TV, Shumilin, SE, Kolodiy, IV, Shapovalov, YO, Semerenko, YO, Smirnov, SN, Kashuba, IV, Tikhonovsky, MA, Zehetbauer, MJ & Schafler, E 2022, 'Mechanical properties of a two-phase high-entropy Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 alloy down to ultralow temperatures', Low Temperature Physics, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 845-852.

Kalinin, S, Ziatdinov, M, Spurgeon, SR, Ophus, C, Stach, EA, Susi, T, Agar, J & Randall, J 2022, 'Deep learning for electron and scanning probe microscopy: From materials design to atomic fabrication', MRS Bulletin, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 931-939.

Krawczyńska, AT, Ciupiński, Ł, Gloc, M, Setman, D, Spychalski, M, Suchecki, P, Adamczyk-Cieślak, B, Liedke, MO, Butterling, M, Wanger, A, Hirschmann, E & Petersson, P 2022, 'Impact of high pressure torsion processing on helium ion irradiation resistance of molybdenum', Materials Characterization, vol. 191, 112151.

Niggas, A, Schwestka, J, Balzer, K, Weichselbaum, D, Schlünzen, N, Heller, R, Creutzburg, S, Inani, H, Tripathi, M, Speckmann, C, McEvoy, N, Susi, T, Kotakoski, J, Gan, Z, George, A, Turchanin, A, Bonitz, M, Aumayr, F & Wilhelm, RA 2022, 'Ion-Induced Surface Charge Dynamics in Freestanding Monolayers of Graphene and MoS2 Probed by the Emission of Electrons', Physical Review Letters, vol. 129, no. 8, 086802.

Krawczynska, AT, Kerber, M, Suchecki, P, Romelczyk-Baishya, B, Liedke, MO, Butterling, M, Hirschmann, E, Wagner, A, Lewandowska, M & Setman, D 2022, 'The impact of high hydrostatic pressure maintenance after high-pressure torsion on phenomena during high hydrostatic pressure annealing', Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 840, 142874.

Edalati, K, Bachmaier, A, Beloshenko, VA, Beygelzimer, Y, Blank, VD, Botta, WJ, Bryla, K, Čížek, J, Divinski, S, Enikeev, NA, Estrin, Y, Faraji, G, Figueiredo, RB, Fuji, M, Furuta, T, Grosdidier, T, Gubicza, J, Hohenwarter, A, Horita, Z, Huot, J, Ikoma, Y, Janecek, M, Kawasaki, M, Kral, P, Kuramoto, S, Langdon, TG, Leiva, DR, Levitas, V, Mazilkin, A, Mito, M, Miyamoto, H, Nishizaki, T, Pippan, R, Popov, VV, Popova, EN, Purcek, G, Renk, O, Revesz, A, Sauvage, X, Sklenicka, V, Skrotzki, W, Straumal, BB, Suwas, S, Toth, LS, Tsuji, N, Valiev, RZ, Wilde, G, Zehetbauer, MJ & Zhu, X 2022, 'Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances', Materials Research Letters, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 163-256.

Showing entries 1 - 50 out of 585