Press releases
Peer-reviewed publications
Showing entries 551 - 582 out of 582
Kovacs, Z, Schafler, E & Revesz, A 2008, 'Volume changes in Vitreloy bulk metallic glass during room temperature high pressure torsion', Journal of Materials Research, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 3409-3414.
Peterlechner, M, Waitz, T, Moder, I & Karnthaler, H-P 2007, 'In-situ TEM investigation of the nanocrystallization in bulk amorphous NiTi', Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 13, no. S03, pp. 302-303.
Stadler, L-M, Harder, R, Robinson, IK, Rentenberger, C, Karnthaler, H-P, Sepiol, B & Vogl, G 2007, 'Coherent x-ray diffraction imaging of grown-in antiphase boundaries in Fe65 Al35', Physical Review B, vol. 76, no. 1, 014204.
Mingler, B, Kulyasova, OB, Islamgaliev, RK, Korb, G, Karnthaler, H-P & Zehetbauer, M 2007, 'DSC and TEM analysis of lattice defects governing the mechanical properties of an ECAP-processed magnesium alloy', Journal of Materials Science, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1477-1482.
Rentenberger, C, Waitz, T & Karnthaler, H-P 2007, 'Formation and structures of bulk nanocrystalline intermetallic alloys studied by transmission electron microscopy', Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, vol. 462, no. 1-2, pp. 283-288.
Schranz, W, Puica, M-R, Koppensteiner, J, Kabelka, H & Kityk, AV 2007, 'Heterogeneous relaxation dynamics of nano-confined salol probed by DMA', Europhysics Letters, vol. 79, no. 3, 36003.
Kündig, AA, Schweizer, T, Schafler, E & Löffler, JF 2007, 'Metallic glass/polymer composites by co-processing at similar viscosities', Scripta Materialia, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 289-292.
Duong, GV, Hanh, N, Linh, DV, Grössinger, R, Weinberger, P, Schafler, E & Zehetbauer, M 2007, 'Monodispersed nanocrystalline Co1-xZnxFe2O4 particles by forced hydrolysis: synthesis and characterization', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 311, no. 1 SPEC. IS, pp. 46-50.
Zehetbauer, M, Schafler, E & Ungar, T 2007, 'Non-microscopical methods for characterization of microstructures and properties of UFG metals', International Journal of Materials Research, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 290-298.
Kupkova, M, Kupka, M, Strobl, S, Cerny, M, Khatibi, G & Gierl, C 2007, 'On a discrepancy in modulus of elasticity as determined from separate resonance frequencies of a bar sintered from copper-coated iron powder', Scripta Materialia, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 639-642.
Waitz, T, Peterlechner, M & Karnthaler, H-P 2007, 'Phase transformation of bulk nanostructured NiTi shape memory alloys studied by HRTEM and in-situ TEM', Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 13, no. S3, pp. 280-281.
Rentenberger, C & Karnthaler, H-P 2007, 'Retained coarse grains in bulk nanocrystalline Ni3Al', International Journal of Materials Research, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 255-258.
Waitz, T, Antretter, T, Fischer, FD, Simha, NK & Karnthaler, H-P 2007, 'Size effects on the martensitic phase transformation of NiTi nanograins', Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 419-444.
Valiev, RZ, Zehetbauer, M, Estrin, Y, Höppel, HW, Ivanisenko, J, Hahn, H, Wilde, G, Roven, HJ, Sauvage, X & Langdon, TG 2007, 'The innovation potential of bulk nanostructured materials', Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 527-533.
Duong, GV, Turtelli, RS, Nunes, WC, Schafler, E, Hanh, N, Grössinger, R & Knobel, M 2007, 'Ultrafine Co1-xZnxFe2O4 particles synthesized by hydrolysis: Effect of thermal treatment and its relationship with magnetic properties', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 353, no. 8-10, pp. 805-807.
Ungar, T, Schafler, E, Hanak, P, Bernstorff, S & Zehetbauer, M 2007, 'Vacancy production during plastic deformation in copper determined by in situ X-ray diffraction', Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, vol. 462, no. 1-2, pp. 398-401.
Ondracek, M, Maca, F, Kudrnovsky, J, Redinger, J, Biedermann, A, Fritscher, C, Schmid, MA & Varga, P 2006, 'Chemical ordering and composition fluctuations at the (001) surface of the Fe64 Ni36 Invar alloy', Physical Review B, vol. 74, no. 23, 235437.
Wilhelm, H, Paris, A, Schafler, E, Bernstorff, S, Bonarski, J, Ungar, T & Zehetbauer, M 2004, 'Evidence of dislocations in melt-crystallised and plastically deformed polypropylene', Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, vol. 387-389, no. 1-2 SPEC. , pp. 1018-1022.
Reder, C, Loidl, D, Puchegger, S, Gitschthaler, D, Peterlik, H, Kromp, K, Khatibi, G, Betzwar-Kotas, A, Zimprich, P & Weiss, B 2003, 'Non-contacting strain measurements of ceramic and carbon single fibres by using the laser-speckle method', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1029-1033.
Stickler, C, Melisova, D, Mingler, B, Weiss, B & Stickler, R 2001, 'Advances in microstructural investigation using the REM-ECC-imaging technique', Praktische Metallographie = Practical metallography, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 19-30.
Waitz, T & Karnthaler, H-P 2001, 'Transformation dislocations and transformation induced crystal defects in CoFe alloys', Journal de Physique IV, vol. Pr8, pp. 47-52.
Mikulowski, B, Gröger, V & Krexner, G 2000, 'Annealing characteristics of supersaturated vacancies in copper and nickel (Article) [Charakterystyki wyżarzania miedzi oraz niklu przesyconych wakancjami]', Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 237-245.
Schafler, E, Sitkovitch, C, Dragomir, I, Revesz, A, Zehetbauer, M & Ungar, T 2000, 'Characterisation of dislocation types in a plastically deformed aluminium base alloy', Materials Science Forum, vol. 321-324, pp. 92-96.
Schafler, E, Zehetbauer, M, Ungar, T, Bernstorff, S & Amenitsch, H 2000, 'Microscale spatial distribution of dislocations and long range internal stresses in cold worked bcc Fe', Key Engineering Materials, vol. 177-180, no. PART 1, pp. 159-164.
Waitz, T, Karnthaler, H-P & Rentenberger, C 1997, 'Atomic scale self accommodation observed at hcp/dhcp martensitic transformation interfaces', Journal De Physique. IV : JP, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. C5-185-C5-190.
Karnthaler, HP, Waitz, T, Mingler, B, Rentenberger, C & Heinrich, H 1997, 'Atomic resolution of metals and alloys using TEM methods', Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 9-12.
Pfeiler, W, Kozubski, R, Karnthaler, HP & Rentenberger, C 1996, 'Kinetics of defect recovery and long-range ordering in Ni3Al + B - I. Simultaneous recovery and ordering in cold-rolled material', Acta Materialia, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1563-1571.
Karnthaler, HP, Mühlbacher, ET & Rentenberger, C 1996, 'The influence of the fault energies on the anomalous mechanical behaviour of Ni3Al alloys', Acta Materialia, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 547-560.
Marczewska-Lasa, B, Zehetbauer, M, Pfeiler, W & Wielke, B 1991, 'Analysis of isothermal and isochronal annealing in deformed Zn and Zn-Ag', Journal of Materials Science, vol. 26, no. 16, pp. 4499-4510.
Pfeiler, W, Zehetbauer, M & Schrank, J 1985, 'Variations of microstructure in large strain cold-rolled pure aluminium', Scripta Metallurgica, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 505-510.
Pfeiler, W, Meisterle, P & Zehetbauer, M 1984, 'Determination of SRO parameters of α-AgAl from resistivity measurement', Acta Metallurgica, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 1053-1060.
Zehetbauer, M, Pfeiler, W & Schrank, J 1983, 'Microhardness and yield stress of cold-rolled pure Aluminium up to very high deformation', Scripta Metallica, vol. 17, pp. 221-226.
Showing entries 551 - 582 out of 582