Press releases
Peer-reviewed publications
Showing entries 251 - 300 out of 579
Björkman, T, Skakalova, V, Kurasch, S, Kaiser, U, Meyer, JC, Smet, JH & Krasheninnikov, AV 2016, 'Vibrational Properties of a Two-Dimensional Silica Kagome Lattice', ACS Nano, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 10929-10935.
Kramberger, C & Meyer, JC 2016, 'Progress in structure recovery from low dose exposures: Mixed molecular adsorption, exploitation of symmetry and reconstruction from the minimum signal level', Ultramicroscopy, vol. 170, pp. 60-68.
Romanyuk, O, Supplie, O, Susi, T, May, MM & Hannappel, T 2016, 'Ab initio density functional theory study on the atomic and electronic structure of GaP/Si(001) heterointerfaces', Physical Review B, vol. 94, no. 15, 155309.
Erbahar, D, Susi, T, Rocquefelte, X, Bittencourt, C, Scardamaglia, M, Blaha, P, Guttmann, P, Rotas, G, Tagmatarchis, N, Zhu, X, Hitchcock, AP & Ewels, CP 2016, 'Spectromicroscopy of C-60 and azafullerene C59N: Identifying surface adsorbed water', Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 35605.
Susi, T, Hofer, C, Argentero, G, Leuthner, GT, Pennycook, TJ, Mangler, C, Meyer, JC & Kotakoski, J 2016, 'Isotope analysis in the transmission electron microscope', Nature Communications, vol. 7, 13040.
Bayer, BC, Bosworth, DA, Michaelis, FB, Blume, R, Habler, G, Abart, R, Weatherup, RS, Kidambi, PR, Baumberg, JJ, Knop-Gericke, A, Schloegl, R, Baehtz, C, Barber, ZH, Meyer, JC & Hofmann, S 2016, 'In Situ Observations of Phase Transitions in Metastable Nickel (Carbide)/Carbon Nanocomposites', The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C (Nanomaterials and Interfaces), vol. 120, no. 39, pp. 22571-22584.
Yim, C, Lee, K, McEvoy, N, O'Brien, M, Riazimehr, S, Berner, NC, Cullen, CP, Kotakoski, J, Meyer, JC, Lemme, MC & Duesberg, GS 2016, 'High-Performance Hybrid Electronic Devices from Layered PtSe2 Films Grown at Low Temperature', ACS Nano, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 9550-9558.
Bönisch, M, Waitz, T, Calin, M, Skrotzki, W & Eckert, J 2016, 'Tailoring the Bain strain of martensitic transformations in Ti-Nb alloys by controlling the Nb content', International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 85, pp. 190-202.
Escher, B, Kühn, U, Eckert, J, Rentenberger, C & Pauly, S 2016, 'Influence of Ag and Co additions on glass-forming ability, thermal and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glasses', Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructures and Processing, vol. 673, pp. 90-98.
Czerny, B, Mazloum-Nejadari, A, Khatibi, G, Weiss, L & Zehetbauer, M 2016, 'Fatigue testing method for fine bond wires in an LQFP package', Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 64, pp. 270-275.
Panigrahi, A, Sulkowski, B, Waitz, T, Ozaltin, K, Chrominski, W, Pukenas, A, Horky, J, Lewandowska, M, Skrotzki, W & Zehetbauer, M 2016, 'Mechanical properties, structural and texture evolution of biocompatible Ti-45Nb alloy processed by severe plastic deformation', Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 62, pp. 93-105.
Nagy, TO, Weimerskirch, MJJ, Pacher, U & Kautek, W 2016, 'Repassivation Investigations on Aluminium: Physical Chemistry of the Passive State', Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie / International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, vol. 230, no. 9, pp. 1303-1327.
Mayer, S, Petersmann, M, Fischer, FD, Clemens, H, Waitz, T & Antretter, T 2016, 'Experimental and theoretical evidence of displacive martensite in an intermetallic Mo-containing γ-TiAl based alloy', Acta Materialia, vol. 115, pp. 242-249.
Kharlamova, MV, Kramberger, C, Saito, T, Shiozawa, H & Pichler, T 2016, 'Growth dynamics of inner tubes inside cobaltocene-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes', Applied Physics A: materials science & processing, vol. 122, no. 8, 749.
Chacon-Torres, JC, Dzsaber, S, Vega-Diaz, SM, Akbarzadeh, J, Peterlik, H, Kotakoski, J, Argentero, G, Meyer, JC, Pichler, T, Simon, F, Terrones, M & Reich, S 2016, 'Potassium intercalated multiwalled carbon nanotubes', Carbon, vol. 105, pp. 90-95.
Yang, H, Rutte, RN, Jones, L, Simson, M, Sagawa, R, Ryll, H, Huth, M, Pennycook, TJ, Green, MLH, Soltau, H, Kondo, Y, Davis, BG & Nellist, PD 2016, 'Simultaneous atomic-resolution electron ptychography and Z-contrast imaging of light and heavy elements in complex nanostructures', Nature Communications, vol. 7, 12532.
Kaskela, A, Laiho, P, Fukaya, N, Mustonen, K, Susi, T, Jiang, H, Houbenov, N, Ohno, Y & Kauppinen, EI 2016, 'Highly individual SWCNTs for high performance thin film electronics', Carbon, vol. 103, pp. 228-234.
Paschinger, W, Rogl, G, Grytsiv, A, Michor, H, Heinrich, P, Müller, H, Puchegger, S, Klobes, B, Hermann, RP, Reinecker, M, Eisenmenger-Sittner, C, Broz, P, Bauer, E, Giester, G, Zehetbauer, M & Rogl, PF 2016, 'Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity', Dalton Transactions, vol. 45, no. 27, pp. 11071-11100.
Elibol, K, Bayer, BC, Hummel, S, Kotakoski, J, Argentero, G & Meyer, JC 2016, 'Visualising the strain distribution in suspended two-dimensional materials under local deformation', Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 28485.
Gajdics, M, Calizzi, M, Pasquini, L, Schafler, E & Revesz, A 2016, 'Characterization of a nanocrystalline Mg-Ni alloy processed by high-pressure torsion during hydrogenation and dehydrogenation', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 41, no. 23, pp. 9803-9809.
Ebner, C, Sarkar, R, Rajagopalan, J & Rentenberger, C 2016, 'Local, atomic-level elastic strain measurements of metallic glass thin films by electron diffraction', Ultramicroscopy, vol. 165, pp. 51-58.
Shi, L, Rohringer, P, Suenaga, K, Niimi, Y, Kotakoski, J, Meyer, JC, Peterlik, H, Wanko, M, Cahangirov, S, Rubio, A, Lapin, ZJ, Novotny, L, Ayala, P & Pichler, T 2016, 'Confined linear carbon chains as a route to bulk carbyne', Nature Materials, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 634-639.
O'Brien, M, McEvoy, N, Motta, C, Zheng, J-Y, Berner, NC, Kotakoski, J, Elibol, K, Pennycook, TJ, Meyer, JC, Yim, C, Abid, M, Hallam, T, Donegan, JF, Sanvito, S & Duesberg, GS 2016, 'Raman characterization of platinum diselenide thin films', 2D Materials, vol. 3, no. 2, 021004.
Winkler, PM, McGraw, RL, Bauer, P, Rentenberger, C & Wagner, P 2016, 'Direct determination of three-phase contact line properties on nearly molecular scale', Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 26111.
Turtelli, RS, Hartl, S, Grössinger, R, Wöhrnschimmel, R, Horwatitsch, D, Spieckermann, F, Polt, G & Zehetbauer, M 2016, 'Hysteresis and Loss Measurements on the Plastically Deformed Fe-(3 wt%)Si Under Sinusoidal and Triangular External Field', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 5, 6301007.
Sharma, S, Bayer, BC, Skakalova, V, Singh, G & Periasamy, C 2016, 'Structural, Electrical, and UV Detection Properties of ZnO/Si Heterojunction Diodes', IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1949-1956.
Emmrich, D, Beyer, A, Nadzeyka, A, Bauerdick, S, Meyer, JC, Kotakoski, J & Goelzhaeuser, A 2016, 'Nanopore fabrication and characterization by helium ion microscopy', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, no. 16, 163103.
Rogl, G, Sykora, R, Legut, D, Müller, H, Bauer, E, Puchegger, S, Zehetbauer, M & Rogl, PF 2016, 'Mechanical Properties of Non-Centrosymmetric CePt3Si and CePt3B', Paper presented at SCTE-2016, 20th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Zaragoza, Spain, 11/04/16 - 15/04/16.
Rogl, G, Grytsiv, A, Gürth, M, Tavassoli, A, Ebner, C, Wuenschek, A, Puchegger, S, Soprunyuk, V, Schranz, W, Bauer, E, Mueller, H, Zehetbauer, M & Rogl, P 2016, 'Mechanical properties of half-Heusler alloys', Acta Materialia, vol. 107, pp. 178-195.
Valiev, RZ, Estrin, Y, Horita, Z, Langdon, TG, Zehetbauer, MJ & Zhu, Y 2016, 'Producing Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Materials by Severe Plastic Deformation: Ten Years Later', J O M, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 1216-1226.
Legut, D, Sykora, R, Rogl, G, Müller, H, Bauer, E, Puchegger, S, Zehetbauer, M, Rogl, PF, Klicpera, M & Javorsky, P 2016, 'Thermal Expansion and Tthermodynamical Properties of Ce-based Compounds CeCuAl3, CePt3Si, and CePt3B; Theory and Experiment', Paper presented at 46ème journée de actinides , Alpes d'Huez, France, 16/03/16 - 20/03/16.
Susi, T & Kotakoski, J 2016, 'Comment on "Temperature dependence of atomic vibrations in mono-layer graphene" [J. Appl. Phys. 118, 074302 (2015)]', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, no. 6, 066101.
Caneva, S, Weatherup, RS, Bayer, BC, Blume, R, Cabrero-Vilatela, A, Braeuninger-Weirner, P, Martin, M-B, Wang, R, Baehtz, C, Schloegl, R, Meyer, JC & Hofmann, S 2016, 'Controlling Catalyst Bulk Reservoir Effects for Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride CVD', Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1250-1261.
Ageeva, O, Habler, G, Topa, D, Waitz, T, Li, C, Pertsev, A, Griffiths, T, Zhilicheva, O & Abart, R 2016, 'Plagioclase hosted Fe-Ti-oxide micro-inclusions in an oceanic gabbro-plagiogranite association from the Mid Atlantic ridge at 13°34' N', American Journal of Science: an international earth science journal, vol. 316, no. 2, pp. 85-109.
Provine, J, Schindler, P, Torgersen, J, Kim, HJ, Karnthaler, H-P & Prinz, FB 2016, 'Atomic layer deposition by reaction of molecular oxygen with tetrakisdimethylamido-metal precursors', Journal of vacuum science & technology a, vol. 34, no. 1, 01A138.
Podolskiy, AV, Tabachnikova, ED, Bonarski, B, Setman, D, Mangler, C, Schafler, E & Zehetbauer, M 2016, 'Temperature dependent mechanical properties of zirconium processed by high-pressure torsion at 300 and 77 K', Kovove Materialy - Metallic Materials, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1-8.
Galhena, DTL, Bayer, BC, Hofmann, S & Amaratunga, GAJ 2016, 'Understanding Capacitance Variation in Sub-nanometer Pores by in Situ Tuning of Interlayer Constrictions', ACS Nano, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 747-754.
Valiev, RZ, Estrin, Y, Horita, Z, Langdon, TG, Zehetbauer, MJ & Zhu, YT 2016, 'Fundamentals of Superior Properties in Bulk NanoSPD Materials', Materials Research Letters, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-21.
Li, C, Griffiths, T, Pennycook, T, Mangler, C, Götze, LC, Jerabek, P, Meyer, JC, Habler, G & Abart, R 2016, 'INTERFACE MIGRATION MECHANISM ON CORUNDUM/SPINEL/PERICLASE: ATOMIC STUDY VIA SCANNING TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY', Paper presented at 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini, Italy, 11/09/16 - 15/09/16.
Rafiee, P, Khatibi, G & Solazzi, F 2016, 'Optically-detected nonlinear oscillations of single crystal silicon MEMS accelerometers', Microelectronics International, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 107-115.
Rafailovic, LD, Gammer, C, Srajer, J, Trisovic, T, Rahel, J & Karnthaler, HP 2016, 'Surface enhanced Raman scattering of dendritic Ag nanostructures grown with anodic aluminium oxide', RSC Advances , vol. 6, no. 40, pp. 33348-33352.
Li, C, Griffiths, T, Pennycook, T, Mangler, C, Jerabek, P, Meyer, JC, Habler, G & Abart, R 2016, 'The structure of a propagating MgAl2O4/MgO interface: linked atomic- and m-scale mechanisms of interface motion', Philosophical Magazine, vol. 96, no. 23, pp. 2488-2503.
Zhang, YY, Mishra, R, Pennycook, TJ, Borisevich, AY, Pennycook, SJ & Pantelides, ST 2015, 'Oxygen Disorder, a Way to Accommodate Large Epitaxial Strains in Oxides', Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 2, no. 18, 1500344.
Stehlik, S, Varga, M, Ledinsky, M, Jirasek, V, Artemenko, A, Kozak, H, Ondic, L, Skakalova, V, Argentero, G, Pennycook, T, Meyer, JC, Fejfar, A, Kromka, A & Rezek, B 2015, 'Size and Purity Control of HPHT Nanodiamonds down to 1 nm', The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C (Nanomaterials and Interfaces), vol. 119, no. 49, pp. 27708-27720.
Sarkar, R, Rentenberger, C & Rajagopalan, J 2015, 'Electron beam induced artifacts during in situ TEM deformation of nanostructured metals', Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 16345.
Ghomsheh, MZ, Spieckermann, F, Polt, G, Wilhelm, H & Zehetbauer, M 2015, 'Analysis of strain bursts during nanoindentation creep of high-density polyethylene', Polymer international, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 1537-1543.
Rafailovic, LD, Gammer, C, Rentenberger, C, Trišovic, T, Kleber, C & Karnthaler, HP 2015, 'Functionalizing Aluminum Oxide by Ag Dendrite Deposition at the Anode during Simultaneous Electrochemical Oxidation of Al', Advanced Materials, vol. 27, no. 41, pp. 6438-6443.
Herziger, F, Mirzayev, R, Poliani, E & Maultzsch, J 2015, 'In-situ Raman study of laser-induced graphene oxidation', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 252, no. 11, pp. 2451-2455.
Kim, Y, Lee, DS, Jung, S, Skakalova, V, Taniguchi, T, Watanabe, K, Kim, JS & Smet, JH 2015, 'Fractional Quantum Hall States in Bilayer Graphene Probed by Transconductance Fluctuations', Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 7445-7451.
Naderi, M, Peterlechner, M, Schafler, E, Divinski, SV & Wilde, G 2015, 'Kinetic, volumetric and structural effects induced by liquid Ga penetration into ultrafine grained Al', Acta Materialia, vol. 99, pp. 196-205.
Showing entries 251 - 300 out of 579