Press releases


This article presents a simple and innovative method to create new materials that combine the extraordinary properties of single metal atoms with the...


Novel opportunities in quantum technology and condensed matter physics opened by noble gas atoms confined between graphene layers.


Atoms bind together by sharing electrons. The way this happens depends on the atom types but also on conditions such as temperature and pressure. In...

Peer-reviewed publications


Kurasch, S, Kotakoski, J, Lehtinen, O, Skakalova, V, Smet, JH, Krill, CE, Krasheninnikov, A & Kaiser, U 2012, 'Atom-by-Atom Observation of Grain Boundary Migration in Graphene', Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 3168-3173.

Susi, T, Kotakoski, J, Arenal, R, Kurasch, S, Jiang, H, Skakalova, V, Stephan, O, Krasheninnikov, A, Kauppinen, E, Kaiser, U & Meyer, JC 2012, 'Atomistic Description of Electron Beam Damage in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes', ACS Nano, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 8837-8846.

Bahmanpour, HN, Youssef, KM, Horky, J, Setman, D, Atwater, MA, Zehetbauer, M, Scattergood, RO & Koch, CC 2012, 'Deformation twins and related softening behavior in nanocrystalline Cu-30% Zn alloy', Acta Materialia, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3340-3349.

Huang, PY, Kurasch, S, Srivastava, A, Skakalova, V, Kotakoski, J, Krasheninnikov, A, Hovden, R, Mao, Q, Meyer, JC, Smet, JH, Müller, DA & Kaiser, U 2012, 'Direct Imaging of a Two-Dimensional Silica Glass on Graphene', Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1081-1086.

Dlapka, M, Danninger, H, Gierl, C, Klammer, E, Weiss, B, Khatibi, G & Betzwar-Kotas, A 2012, 'Fatigue behavior and wear resistance of sinter-hardening steels', International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 49-60. <>

Danninger, H, Xu, C, Khatibi, G, Weiss, B & Lindqvist, B 2012, 'Gigacycle fatigue of ultra high density sintered alloy steels', Powder Metallurgy, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 378-387.

Kilmametov, A, Balogh, AG, Ghafari, M, Gammer, C, Mangler, C, Rentenberger, C, Valiev, RZ & Hahn, H 2012, 'Radiation effects in bulk nanocrystalline FeAl alloy', Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 167, no. 8/SI, pp. 631-639.

Cagiao, ME, Baltá-Calleja, FJ, Spieckermann, F, Scholtyssek, S, Mina, MF & Bhuiyan, MAH 2012, 'X-ray diffraction study of iPP/cand iPP/TiO2 composites relating to micromechanical properties', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 124, no. 4, pp. 3147-3153.


Kozina, V, Banek, L, Knezevic, N, Geist, D, Kubinová, L, Kosovic, M, Rentenberger, C, Vukasovic, A & Jezek, D 2011, 'Reinke's crystals in perivascular and peritubular Leydig cells', Croatica Chemica Acta, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 159-167.

Kozina, V, Geist, D, Kubínová, L, Bilic, E, Karnthaler, H-P, Waitz, T, Janacek, J, Chernyavskiy, O, Krhen, I & Jezek, D 2011, 'Visualization of Reinke's crystals in normal and cryptorchid testis', Histochemistry and Cell Biology, vol. 135, no. 2, pp. 215-228.