Successful PhD defence of Alberto Trentino


Alberto Trentino successfully defended his PhD thesis on January 17, 2025, with supervisor Jani Kotakoski and opponents Marika Schleberger (Universität Duisburg Essen) and Ute Kaiser (Universität Ulm).

His thesis was on the topic "Large-scale defect engineering and impurity implantation of atomically clean graphene". Congratulations!


Atomic resolution STEM-MAADF image of defect-engineered, atomically clean graphene successfully enriched with single atoms of titanium (Ti). The inset highlights multiple Ti single-atom impurities (indicated by circles) and a zoomed-in view of a few-atom Ti cluster. From Trentino, Alberto, et al. "Single atoms and metal nanoclusters anchored to graphene vacancies." Micron 184 (2024): 103667 (