Austrian microscopists at the University of Vienna with record numbers


A record number of over 150 electron microscopists joined the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM).

A record number of over 150 electron microscopists from Austria and neighboring countries joined the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy (ASEM). This year's event was held at the University of Vienna on April 13-14, 2023, organized by Jani Kotakoski, Clemens Mangler, Christian Rentenberger, Kathrin Linke and Helena Kempf.

ASEM was founded in 1965 to network microscopists working in Austria to enable direct scientific and technological exchange. Physics of Nanostructured Materials (PNM) at the Faculty of Physics has a long tradition in electron microscopy, starting in 1969 with the installation of a Philips EM300 microscope. Today, PNM operates two aberration-corrected microscopes, a Thermo Fisher FEI Titan 80-300 and a Nion UltraSTEM 100, and is currently in the process of procuring a new instrument, Vienna Microscope for Quantum Materials, funded through the FFG call Quantum Austria.

This year's ASEM meeting hosted over 30 talks and a similar number of posters on topics covering different aspects of materials physics and life sciences with invited presentations from Gerald Kothleitner (FELMI, Graz University of Technology) and Dagmar Kolb (Medical University Graz). The event was sponsored by Tescan, Ametek, Videko, Thermo Fisher, Jeol, Zeiss, Quantum Design, Science Services, Systron, IMS and Nion.

ASEM website:

13th ASEM workshop 2023: