Press releases


The identification of new chemical bonds is crucial for the design of new material structures. A team led by Jani Kotakoski at the University of...


Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Vienna have published the article "Graphene substrate improves the conductivity of carbon...


The research group of Toma Susi is focused on understanding the effects of electron and ion irradiation on low-dimensional materials via closely...

Peer-reviewed publications


Danninger, H, Xu, C, Khatibi, G, Weiss, B & Lindqvist, B 2012, 'Gigacycle fatigue of ultra high density sintered alloy steels', Powder Metallurgy, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 378-387.

Kilmametov, A, Balogh, AG, Ghafari, M, Gammer, C, Mangler, C, Rentenberger, C, Valiev, RZ & Hahn, H 2012, 'Radiation effects in bulk nanocrystalline FeAl alloy', Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 167, no. 8/SI, pp. 631-639.

Cagiao, ME, Baltá-Calleja, FJ, Spieckermann, F, Scholtyssek, S, Mina, MF & Bhuiyan, MAH 2012, 'X-ray diffraction study of iPP/cand iPP/TiO2 composites relating to micromechanical properties', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 124, no. 4, pp. 3147-3153.


Kozina, V, Banek, L, Knezevic, N, Geist, D, Kubinová, L, Kosovic, M, Rentenberger, C, Vukasovic, A & Jezek, D 2011, 'Reinke's crystals in perivascular and peritubular Leydig cells', Croatica Chemica Acta, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 159-167.

Kozina, V, Geist, D, Kubínová, L, Bilic, E, Karnthaler, H-P, Waitz, T, Janacek, J, Chernyavskiy, O, Krhen, I & Jezek, D 2011, 'Visualization of Reinke's crystals in normal and cryptorchid testis', Histochemistry and Cell Biology, vol. 135, no. 2, pp. 215-228.


Zehetbauer, M, Grössinger, R, Krenn, H, Krystian, M, Pippan, R, Rogl, PF, Waitz, T & Würschum, R 2010, 'Bulk nanostructured functional materials by severe plastic deformation', Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 692-700.